Grain Harvest composite HV Farm Hub 2016
Image by Justin O'Dea

Field-scale plot sampling and harvest, 2016

Drone grain trials
Image by Hudson Valley Farm Hub
Farm Hub Winter Grain Trials 2015
Image by Justin O'Dea

Winter malting barley, rye, and wheat trials, 2015

Winter Barley & Wheat 2015 trials
Image by Justin O'Dea

Winter malting barley, hard wheat plots, 2015

Flowering barley wheat and rye
Image by Justin O'Dea

Malting barley variety trials, small plots, 2016

Grains Timelapse
Image by Justin O'Dea
Winter grain field scale trials HV Farm Hub 2016
Image by Justin O'Dea

Winter malting barley and heritage wheat field-scale trials, 2016

Winter Wheat 2015
Image by Justin O'Dea

Winter wheat, 2015

Winter grain field scale trials HV Farm Hub 2016
Image by Justin O'Dea

Heritage and modern soft wheat field-scale trials, 2016

Large plots barley & soybean 2015
Image by Justin O'Dea

Large barley trial plot, rotational soybean crop

2 Row Barley 2015
Image by Justin O'Dea

2-row malting barley, 2015

Hybrid Rye 2015
Image by Justin O'Dea

Hybrid rye, 2015

Young winter Grains 2015
Image by Justin O'Dea

Young barley and wheat plots

6 row barley
Image by Justin O'Dea

6-row malting barley, 2015

Winter Grains Harvest 2015 Animation
Image by Justin O'Dea

Cornell harvesting small plot trials, 2015

Grain cleaning HV Farm Hub 2016
Image by Justin O'Dea

Cleaning field-scale grain samples

Combining grain samples action shot
Image by Justin O'Dea

Harvesting wheat, small plot trials, 2016

Grain and cover crops emerging 2016
Image by Justin O'Dea

Cover crop and emerging winter barley in field-scale trials, 2016

Hudson Valley Grain Variety Research & Processing Trials

About the Project

Multiple markets are emerging in the Hudson Valley region and greater northeast for locally sourced small grains. Primary higher-value emerging markets include artisan baking, specialty culinary applications, brewing, and distilling. Hudson Valley small grains production is particularly challenged by 1) an immature local small grains economy and profitability unknowns, 2) a lack of regional knowledge, equipment, and infrastructure for grains production, and 3) the humid climate of the northeastern US, which poses difficulties for producing grains that meet modern human consumption quality standards.

The Local Economies Project is supporting a four-year (2014-2018) project with Cornell University, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County and the Hudson Valley Farm Hub to select varieties of small grains suitable to the Hudson Valley region and emerging market needs. The project consists of trialing 1) 20-30 varieties of spring and winter grains in small plots and 2) six select varieties in field-scale plots over three different growing seasons and locations. The six select varieties grown in the field-scale trials will be then trialed by several local partnering bakers, maltsters, brewers, and distillers for market quality assessments. All trials will have paired plots of both organic management and conventional integrated pest management (IPM) to evaluate varieties under differing management scenarios. The project covers a total of 60 acres and the grain trials are being grown in the context of a larger field crop rotation that includes various legume and grain crops.

Data will be collected and analyzed by Cornell throughout the project following evaluations of grain variety yield characteristics (quantity and quality) and grain disease incidence. Qualitative data on grain management will also be collected throughout the project to highlight future research needs and logistical production issues encountered on a farm and region new to modern small grains production. The project team will also coordinate educational events and produce educational materials to increase knowledge of value-added small grains production and grain systems for local markets. Multiple networking opportunities for stakeholders involved in developing infrastructures for a local small grains economy will also be facilitated throughout by the project team. 

For more information:

Last updated March 16, 2021