This program promotes the future of local agriculture. Join the agricultural community in recognizing and celebrating our local youth farmers.
Interested in learning more about the program? Come to our Auction Information Meeting!
6:30pm, Wednesday January 15, 2025
232 Plaza Rd Kingston NY 12401
The 4-H Livestock Market Program teaches sustainable animal husbandry practices that produce healthy livestock for our local meat market. From start to finish, these youth learn all aspects of the market process including animal nutrition, evaluation and selection, welfare, marketing, and processing.
The program participants who raise livestock (chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, goats, sheep, cows, quail and pigs) will sell their animals at the 4-H Livestock Auction in August which is held on Saturday evening at the Ulster County Fair. The money raised at this charity auction goes back to the youth to support their ongoing projects, save for college, and more. Those who do not have livestock to sell can still participate by attending our educational sessions and helping with marketing or event planning.
Thank you to the Ulster County Agricultural Society!
Animals that go up for bid are available for purchase for processing or to take home live. The event’s largest continuous supporter of this event is the Ulster County Agricultural Society. The Ag Society donates an average of ten thousand dollars to participating youth each year, making it possible to keep the experiential learning process going for the next group of 4-H participants.
Faith Shultz
4-H Educator
845-340-3990 ext. 340
Last updated January 14, 2025